Day One: Clearing out and setting up! As you can see...there was a lot to clear out!
We borrowed tables from church, they were a HUGE help and we used all of them to sit stuff on!
Day Two: We got an early start and took the tarps off the tables to unveil the loot for sale just in time for the first customer at about 7:30 am!
I made some signs to let everyone know that proceeds from the Yard Sale went to my Climb Against the Odds with the Breast Cancer Fund!
Mom was the one in charge of the sale since most of the items were hers and many were from her days as a K-5 teacher. She also sold a lot of her the plants she potted from her wonderful garden and was on hand to help with prices and to answered questions about all the items, plants, etc. for sale.
We raised a grand total of $990 dollars at the Yard Sale!! Check out the money box -- we chained it to the table so there would be no fast get-a-ways with it! :)
Thanks mom and dad for your help and support during my fundraising! Thanks also to everyone who donated goods for the sale, and of course thanks to all the yard salers in Simpsonville, SC for buying our stuff!
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